I’m going to try to explain to you how I feel this week. I know it’s transitory and the bubble will pop in another day or two, but I’m speaking of this week, this little vacuum of time in which I opened a box containing my authors copies of Shaking Off the Dust. My first book.
I know it came out in E-format at the beginning of the year, but there is nothing quite like holding a book in your hand, caressing the cover, inhaling the new book smell or reading your dedication for the first time in a format that you have always known a book to be. It is a small joy, but a joy none the less.
I have never been one of those lucky people in life, who can fall into a poop hole and come out smelling like lilacs. I always came out smelling really bad. I still feel that I have worked very hard for the things that have come to me. But, I will admit that this small joy is a gift.
I call it a small joy because there is no comparison to those moments that flower from relationships. Consider your first love, the birth of child, the day of your marriage; those are big on the list of larger joys. Small joys, are transitory, like a breath taking view or rain during a drought or even a epiphany that suddenly changes the way we view the world for the better. It is moment we pause to mark in our memories, to savor because it is rare.
I am a published author. If you don’t believe me, I can show you the physical evidence of my claim. Isn’t that totally cool!! Woop Woop!! *Joyful Dance*
What have you tucked into your memory, which you savored for the small joy it brought to your heart?
Rhianna-- Whoohoo! Congratulations. (^o^)
I would think this would be a big joy for you. I mean, how often does one become a published author for the first time? And you worked hard for it, I'm sure.
I hope your books sells like hotcakes. It deserves to be read by many, many.
What have you tucked into your memory, which you savored for the small joy it brought to your heart?
Those are my secrets. :)
Thanks Leah,
It is pretty nifty.
Now, see, your secrets sounds scrumptious. Hold on to them tight and enjoy. That in itself is a small joy.
Rhianna I'm sure that having actual physical proof of your authorship is no small joy... I'd be dancing down the aisle of the neartest bookstore, copy in hand! LOL
As for the small joys of life? First I guess my mind drifts off to my babies ~ now anything but! The times in their lives where I can feel that I actually made a (positive) difference ~ I'm all to aware of the times when the effect I've had hasn't been a good one.
Times when I can look back at my years of babysitting and being able to pick out a child with whom I had a relationship that was new to both of us. There was one boy that I babysat for a number of years about whom I'd been warned to "make sure you charge his mom extra... he's trouble!" And instead of going into the relationship with Josh expecting the worst, we worked through his insecurities and such... and ended up with great memories. I still get a Christmas card from him and his mom every year... almost 10 years later!
A very unexpected special moment with my dad that put our years of arguments ~ um, we were *VERY* much alike ~ firmly and forever in the past.
Stuff like that... I know that I've got a ton of other little moments that I could write about, but yeah.. I think these speak for themselves?
Hugs and Congratulations!
Hi Kathy,
Your family has afforded you many joys. Babysitting seems to be the right fit for you. I don't know that I would have the patience, though in general I get along with little people.
It was really very cool to see the book.
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