I have no excuse except for working and writing, but I was not checking the blog for comments as frequently as I should and I'm late on responding to a couple.
Quinny: I am so glad you like TRL and enjoyed the change in voice. I found that I wanted to tell a bigger story with this book and first person was not going to let me do it the way I hoped. I apologize for the grammer errors. I did have a couple of proof readers, but I didn't have an editor come in and do the great work done on the first of the series. Editors earn their money, but they don't come cheap either and in this economy I made a choice to not overextend myself at this time. It may turn out to have been a poor choice, but it is one I can rectify, when I am able.
I don't want that to get in the way of the story, and I don't think that it does. I have to admit, I told myself that if it started selling well that I would use the money to have a thorough edit done. If I do though, I would feel the need to increase the price of the book. I also believe very strongly that you pay for what you get. Millions of readers are now seeking out the self published eBooks because they simply cannot afford the price of books from large publishing companies. They are accepting the fact that punctuation and editing is not on par to a book three times more expensive to buy. I'm not advocating that badly told stories that the reader will not enjoy be pushed upon the public.
I remember reading a LKH book some years back that was very poorly edited and said to myself at that time. Hey, I can do that!. (I'm joking) The difference is that I paid a lot of money for a hardcover for LKH. The Replacement Lists is priced 2.99 for a quick download, an easy exciting read and a great price for a 100,000 word count. It's out there for all of the readers who loved Shaking Off the Dust and wanted more. As is, it will not be offered as a paperback. If it does well, then I have more great stories for those characters.
I will definitely keep you in mind for a proof reader in the future. Do you like historical romance? I'm working on one now and I'm enjoying the writing of it. Weird, but if I laugh or cry while I'm writing the story, I get the sense it is going where I want it to be.
Jess: I want one of the big Kindles, for the eye sight that is requiring thicker lenses every year. I have not widely advertized The Replacement List for a couple of reasons. Number one was because I wanted to quietly put it out there for the fans of Shaking Off the Dust. Though, I do think it stands on its own. I would be happy to offer up a few free copies to readers at GoodReads. The Replacement Lists includes the paranormal theme and romance, but has more of the thrilling excitement of a suspense.
I try to respond to all comments made, even if I might take a bit of time to do so.